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Setup your app icon, fonts and images.



You can use the Icon Kitchen App to generate all the necessary icon sizes for your apps.

  1. In Android Studio, you'll need to replace the mipmap folder files in androidApp/src/main/res with your icons. If you used Icon Kitchen, you can replace all mipmap folders with the ones in the generated zip.
  2. In Xcode, select the Assets.xcassets file and replace each icon with the corresponding one from from your assets or the Icon Kitchen zip file.


  1. Add your custom fonts in .ttf format to the shared/src/commonMain/composeResources/font directory.
  2. Go to shared/src/commonMain/kotlin/com/zenithapps/mobilestack/ui/style/Typography.kt and add your font to the FontFamily object with the corresponding weight.
private fun getFontFamily() = FontFamily(
Font(resource = Res.font.[YOUR_FONT_NAME], weight = FontWeight.Normal),
Font(resource = Res.font.[YOUR_FONT_NAME], weight = FontWeight.Bold)


  1. Add your images to the shared/src/commonMain/composeResources/drawable directory.
  2. Use the painterResource function to load the image in your composable.
painter = painterResource(Res.drawable.[YOUR_IMAGE_NAME]),
contentDescription = "[YOUR_IMAGE_DESCRIPTION]"

The easiest way to import images and svgs is to use the Resource Manager in Android Studio. Make sure you move them to composeResources/drawable after you import them.